Thursday, July 29, 2010

Don't forget to enter my first giveaway

EcoMom $15 gift card review and giveaway

It ends 8/6 and it has a low number of entries.

Blog Hop Thursday

Bassgiraffe's Thoughts Thursday Blog Hop
1. Please follow the hosting blog- bassgiraffe’s Thoughts
2. Please visit as many blogs as possible.
3. If someone visits your blog please visit theirs back, but I know that we don’t like all blogs we visit so don’t feel obligated to follow back if you don’t want.
4. Family friendly blogs only, please.
5. You will need to link to your blog post that has the above blog-hop button. Without a post it makes it harder for people to have a proper place to comment and let you know they stopped by.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rayovac Photo contest

Snap, Share & Win! Rayovac Summer Photo Contest:
The Snap, Share & Win! Rayovac Summer Photo Contest will begins August 2, 2010 and will ends August 29, 2010. Each week will feature a different theme. Eligible contestants will be able to complete the entry form on Rayovac’s website, upload a photo and specify the theme. Contestants may upload 1 photo each week for a maximum of 3 photos. Once photos are posted, viewers can vote for 1 photo a day and add an unlimited number of comments. Contestants and viewers can share the contest with their friends (eighteen years old or older) utilizing the “Invite Friends” button or by sending an email. The photos receiving the most votes for each theme will win prizes. Rayovac Powers Fun, have fun and be creative with your photo entries!
All levels of photography welcome!
Be sure to check out Rayovac's facebook page

For each of the three themes there will be:
Grand Prize- a Digital Camera Package, complete with a Photo Printer and Rayovac Rechargeables and a Digital Photo Frame for three of the Grand Prize Winner’s friends.
Second Place Prize- Photo Printer
Runner Up Prize- Digital Photo Frame Keychain.

Phase One: Submit photo entry August 2, 2010- August 22, 2010.
(Week 1: Fun with Water Photo. Week 2: Fun Pet Photo. Week 3: Summer Fun Photo)
Phase Two: Public Vote August 2, 2010- August 29, 2010.
Phase Three: Winners Announced September 8, 2010.

Rayovac Summer Photo Contest Blogger Promotion Rules:

If you're a blogger, you can win too!! Follow these steps and win a $50 gift card to Walmart if you're one of the first 50 to blog about it! Here's how:

Here’s how to enter in three easy steps:
Step 1: Embed Widget:
Embed the Photo Contest Widget:
Step 2: Promote the Contest:
A: Blog about the specifics of the Rayovac’s Summer Photo Contest and include the following disclosure: “The first 50 bloggers to promote the Rayovac
Summer Photo Contest won a prize from Rayovac.”
B: Add link to Rayovac’s Facebook Page:
C: Encourage followers to share the Contest Widget.
D: “Like” Rayovac’s Page on Facebook.
Step 3: Send a Link: To be entered to win this Blogger Promotion you must be one of the first 50 bloggers to follow these Blogger Promotion requirements and send a link to your post to .

Winners will receive the prizes mentioned above and will be notified by August 2, 2010.

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN (for the Blogger Promotion or the Photo Contest) . VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Must be a US or DC resident and 18 or older at the time of entry of the Promotion or the Contest.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oh How I've Missed Thee

DOMS that is (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). After a pretty decent leg workout on Sunday (we're keeping it light weight high reps for now since we've been away from it for so long) I've got some pretty good DOMS going in my quads and hams. They hurt like no other, but it feels so nice. I enjoy the "My muscles are torn and feel like they are going to fall apart at any minute" feeling. It reassures me that I kicked some butt in the gym. It gives me motivation to keep going. It feels fantastic.

Yesterday we worked our backs. We found a new machine that they didn't have at *that other gym we used to work out at*, but I can't for the life of me remember what the exercise was called. All I know is for once I was able to feel the muscles in my back working WHILE I was working out. No DOMS to report in the back as of yet, but second day DOMS are always killer while you may not feel anything on day one.

I am really enjoying LifeTime Fitness, but rumor has it another gym offers discounts to employees of the company Bob works for. I always love saving money, so we may check out this other gym and see what they have to offer. I don't know if anyone can measure up to the childcare center that LifeTime Fitness has though. Patrick cries when I pick him up from the center because they have so much for the kids to do he doesn't want to go home. Not to mention the pools and waterslides, the bistro, the rock climbing wall, the basketball courts, and of course the salon.

We'll be back in the gym tonight, but I'm not sure of our plan of attack yet, as that's Bob's area. He tells me what we're working and I follow along. I do know that Wednesday we'll be getting our fitness tests done. I am very interested in seeing what my bodyfat percentage is at now. I do wish I had a bit more time to burn off these extra 7 pounds I've put on since we stopped working out.

Follow Me Back Tuesday


It's Follow Me Back Tuesday

Hosted by Survey Junkie,Little Yaya's,
Review Retreat , Boobies,BabiesAndABlog
& this weeks Guest Host is
Dave from Musings of Life

( Please do not link up your giveaways
You only have to link your blog once & it will show on all blogs )

How it Works
  • Follow all 5 Hosts 1 - 5 (leave us a comment & we will follow u back- only leave a comment if you follow please)
  • Snag our button & link code to post a FMBT post on your blog
  • Add your blog - using the link from your FMBT post (NOT YOUR BLOG HOP or GIVEAWAYS PLEASE )
  • Follow as many blogs as you would like & Follow back if anyone leaves you a comment (Leave them a comment so they know that you stopped by)

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Making Friends Monday Blog Hop

Welcome to Making Friends Monday Blog Hop, hosted by Living on Love and Cents, Mon Cheri, The Thrifty Things, Reviewed By Mom , Coupons are Great.

Each week we will randomly pick a Spotlight Blog of the Week! To be choosen you must follow the rules and have our button somewhere on your blog. (We have to be able to find it!)

This week's Spotlight of the Week is Mom's Mutterings. The writer of Mom's Mutterings is Pam and she is wonderful! Pam is a mom to two kids, two cats, and two spare kids. She enjoys thrifty living and couponing. She usually writes about the misadventures of her family and shares reviews and giveaways. She can also be found at her other blog, The Thrifty Things.

Join us on our journey as we discover new blogs and gain new followers every week!
The rules are super simple!

1. Follow the Making Friends Monday Hosts (Listed as # 1-5) as well as the Spotlight Blog of the Week (listed as #6)--They WILL follow you Back!
2. Link up the Making Friends Monday post on your blog.
3. Grab our Making Friends Monday button and include it in a post on your blog.
4. Visit as many blogs as you would like and follow them. Be sure to tell them you are a new follower from Making Friends Monday!
5. Follow back as many followers as you would like from Making Friends Monday. Following back your new friends is appreciated!

Help spread the word and get more followers:
-Put the same linky list code on your blog and you'll have the exact same list!
- Your blog visitors can add their blog to your list and it will show up on all lists!

Don't forget to follow the rules so you have a chance to be the "Spotlight Blog of the Week"!


Thumbnails: This is a Blog Hop! 14 entries so far... you're next!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Back in the swing of things

This not going to the gym thing has got to stop!!!! After losing 65 pounds in 4 1/2 months I've been stuck in a plateau for 6+ weeks. I am so over it! It's time to do something, ANYTHING.

So today (July 25th) marks day 1 of my "new" weight loss plan. It also marks day 1 of LifeTime Fitness. Now I am going to be brave and post my weight on the internet *gasp*, but only because I am proud of how far I've come and I hope to show other people they can be healthy too. All it takes is commitment--something I haven't had for the past 6 weeks.

Two tips I can give you right now---
1. Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym
2. You can't out train bad nutrition

Now for some numbers.
March 23, 2009: 263 pounds
December 29, 2009: 265 pounds (this is the night I gave birth to Mason)
July 25th, 2010: 209 pounds (this is where I am as of this morning, which is 7 pounds up from my lowest and 5 pounds up from my "normal")

Plan of attack for the day: Hams, Quads, Calves, Treadmill, and Stationary Bike

Thursday, July 22, 2010

EcoMom Review and $15 Gift Card Giveaway

Eco-friendly Baby Products - EcoMom®

I was given the chance to review products provided by EcoMom®. Jody, the CEO of EcoMom, sent us some yummy organic foods for the boys to try as well as a set of Boon Spoons

My first thoughts upon opening the package was "Awesome he sent us Boon Spoons". I'd heard about Boon Spoons on Facebook and I was excited to finally try them out. My second thought was "Oh no the Fiddle sticks look like carrots". See Patrick doesn't like carrots. I've never gotten this child to eat anything that even resembles a carrot, let alone something that tastes like carrots.

We had actually picked the package up on our way to dinner so I was antsy the whole time because I wanted to go home and try all our goodies. As soon as we got home I got the camera out and started snapping away. After inspecting all the packages I found something that made me VERY happy.

Just look at that nutrition label. That is the most beautiful thing I've seen on a food product geared toward children. Even my husband was impressed, and it takes a lot to impress him when it comes to nutrition.

Then came the fun part, we got to try some of the yummy food, but before we get into that let's talk a little about EcoMom®.
If you visit their site the first thing you see on the main page is a little blurb about EcoMom.
Healthy living doesn't have to be overwhelming.
Small steps matter, and make a big difference.
We Make It Easy.
Founded to address the connection between the health of our environment & the health of our children, EcoMom® is committed to making eco-conscious living easy, affordable, & rewarding with education, support, tools & products.*
(*Taken from the EcoMom® website)

EcoMom® is currently offering a new program called EcoPass. For $99 a year ($8.25 a month) EcoPass provides a 15% discount on every order, as well as free shipping without having to meet the $75 minimum requirement. EcoPass pays for itself in as little as four orders.

EcoMom® is also currently offering my readers a 15% discount off your first order. This offer is good until August 31, 2010. Use code SBBL519 to receive your discount.

Now it's time for the fun stuff, more pictures of the boys!

The first thing we tried was the Fiddle sticks. Now remember these are carrot flavored and Patrick despises carrots. Upon opening the package I thought they smelled good, sort of a graham cracker smell. The only complaint I have about the Fiddle sticks is I wish they came in a re-sealable bag. So what did Patrick thinks of the Fiddle sticks?
Looks like he liked them, but we can't be sure yet. Let's see what he said when Daddy asked him if it was good.
Color me impressed, my child just ate something that is carrot flavor, I've got to try this product. So I did, and it was good. It's soft so it's easy for them to chew.
***Fiddle Sticks are recommended for ages 12 months and up***
Next we decided to let the little Skeeber try some yummy food before bedtime. Finally! I get to try out the Boon Spoon.
How neat is that? It just screws right onto the package. That will come in handy when we travel, when we go out to eat, and when we're on playdates. In fact I am taking our new Boon spoons and some Plum Organics on a playdate this afternoon. I can't wait to show them off to the other moms. Now skeebs wasn't too impressed with the Just Peaches flavor at first, but after a few bites he decided I wasn't feeding him fast enough so he wanted to help.

Patrick really liked the Just Peaches too, and the Grammy Sammy.

All in all I give EcoMom (Plum Organics and Boon Spoon/Revolution Food) an A+ EcoMom provides fast and easy shipping, and access to Eco-Friendly Baby Products. Plum Organics and Revolution Foods offer a wide variety of products from the highchair to the lunch box. I will continue to use both EcoMom and Plum/Revolution.

Now onto the part I know you've all been waiting for...

~~BUY IT~~
Visit EcoMom for Earth-friendly products for you, your children, and your home!
Don't forget the 15% discount. Use code SBBL519 through August 31st!

~~WIN IT~~
This contest is open to the US and Canada.
One lucky winner will receive a $15 gift card to EcoMom

How to enter (make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry and include your email address)
Mandatory entry: Visit EcoMom and leave a comment here telling me a product not listed above that you would use your $15 on. Be sure to include your email address in your comments so I can contact you in the event you're the winner.
Bonus entries: Follow my blog publicly using Google Friend Connect (2 entries)
***Follow EcoMom on Twitter (1 entry)
***Follow Skeeberboo on Twitter (1 entry)
***"Like" EcoMom on Facebook (1 entry)
***"Like" Skeeberboo on Facebook (1 entry)
***Grab my button and place it on your public blog. Make sure you tell me where to find it (3 entries)
***Blog about this giveaway and leave me the URL where I can find it. Make sure you link back to Skeeberboo (5 entries)
***Tweet: RT @EcoMomCEO @Mama_Tank Enter to win a $15 GC from EcoMom at Skeeberboo Ends 8/6 You can do this once a day (1 entry per tweet) make sure I have the URL to the tweets

Giveaway ends 08-06-10 at 10:00 PM CST!!! Winning comment will be determined by and the winner will have 48 to respond with shipping info or another winner will be chosen.

While I was supplied with the item(s) reviewed, I was not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.

Have you heard

There is a website where you can shop from over 200 stores. That's right ONE website with over 200 stores to choose from. They have everything you could possibly need. From upholstered headboards to hanging leg raise equipment.

As a blogger I've been given the opportunity to review a product from one of CSN's 200+ stores. Are you dying to know what I will choose to review?

Maybe it will be a diaper bag. How cute is this one?

Or maybe I'll go with some new pans like this Rachel Ray set

I suppose if you really want to know what I will choose you will just have to keep checking back here. The suspense is killing you isn't it???

~~~Twitter Hop Thursday~~~ (July 22nd)


Welcome to Twitter Hop Thursday, hosted by Simply Stacie, The King’s Court IV, Little Yaya’s, and Review Retreat!

Would you like more Twitter followers and be introduced to more neat blogs and businesses out there? Come and join us!!

1. Add your Twitter to the MckLinky (you only have to add it to one and it will appear on all).

2. Click on the Twitter for the four hostesses and follow each of them on Twitter. We will follow you back.

3. Follow as many people on Twitter as you like, but make sure to leave comments with links so they’ll know where to follow you!

Spread the word and add this MckLinky to your blog! Write your own post or copy and paste this one. Below the MckLinky box, you’ll see “Want to be a part of this Blog Hop? Click here for instructions and code….” Have fun Twitter-Hopping along!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Apple and carrots's what's for dinner. Well for Mason anyway. I started making our own baby food a couple of weeks ago and I love it. It is so easy. I have the Baby Pro all in one Meal Maker from The First Years. It steams and purees in one machine and it takes up minimal space. Clean up is a breeze and it's grey so it's not a huge eye sore if I leave it out on the counter. It's no bigger than my 2 slice toaster, and best of all it's BPA free. After I steam and puree I spoon the food into ice trays and wrap in plastic wrap and freeze for about 36 hours then I remove from ice trays and store in gallon sized zip lock bags marked with contents and date. Oh in case your wondering after I steam the carrots I drain the liquid (to eliminate some nitrates) and puree with formula (breast milk works too). The food freezes really well and stays fresh for about 6 weeks.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm in love

Since moving last month, we've struggled with the decision of joining a new gym or not. Our membership to Gold's Gym ran out in June, but we get two free months. The closest corporate Gold's is like 3o minutes away if there is no traffic. Bob works 14 hours a day Monday-Friday so it's kind of a PITA to try to get over to Gold's in time for the boys to get in the childcare and still manage to get in a full hour work out.

We decided we would just not go to the gym and we were strong enough to manage our weight loss with eating healthy. Abs are made in the kitchen, you can't out train bad nutrition and all that jazz. Well we were wrong because if you don't have the motivation of working out you often find yourself reaching for that beer or bottle of tequila. You tend to opt for the pizza instead of the whole wheat sandwich. You "forget" the vitamins and supplements and you don't drink a protein shake every night anymore. Bob gained a few lbs on the scale, I on the other hand didn't see the scale move, but I know I lost muscle mass and gained some fat because my jeans wouldn't pull over my hips.

So finally after getting tired of the direction things were headed we opted to go check out LifeTime Fitness. OMG I swear this is the nicest, cleanest, largest gym I've ever seen in my life. The staff is professional and polite. They welcomed the boys and he even shook Patrick's hand and addressed them by name. They have two huge pools, nice locker rooms and even a family changing room with private rooms inside it so the kids can have their parents help changing for the pool. The weight training area is spectacular and the cardio area is HUGE. They offer classes and have a full salon/spa and a little cafe inside and a pool side bistro. It is so nice.

The plan is to start back in the gym next week. I can't wait!!! I long for a good work out. I ache to move some iron. My body is begging for D.O.M.S. I NEED to sweat.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

For your viewing pleasure

Here are some super cute pics of my little monsters for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Please vote

Please take a moment to vote for my Boo! He has a chance to win a birthday party package. His birthday is coming up in September and if we win it will really help us make his day super special. Voting is open today only (7-13) so please take a moment and click vote and enter the captcha. No sign up needed.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Well Mason is 6 months old now. He can say DaDa and when you ask him "where's daddy" he will look at Bob. He's also started really grabbing on to things and of course everything has to be tasted before it can be played with. He's getting so big. Not sure how big as I haven't found a doctor up here for the boys yet.

I just bought a The First Years Baby Pro All in One Meal Maker so I could start making Mason's baby food. So far I've made apples, pears, white peaches, yellow squash, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, and avocado. Mason's not sure what to think of the new tastes, but I'm sure he'll get used to it soon enough. We've also switched formula...again. We're now on Enfamil and so far *knock on wood* he hasn't thrown any of it up. Oh and we found new bottles. The No Drip bottles from Nuby with handles. He can hold his own bottle now and THEY.DON'T.LEAK!!!!! It's truly a miracle.

We took Patrick to see Toy Story 3 this weekend. It was his first movie in a theater and he did so well. Mason got to go as well, and he slept for the first half of the movie then sat in my lap for the remainder. Both boys were so well behaved, it made me so proud.

We're slowly but surely getting settled here in DFW. It's been 2 1/2 weeks. Everything is unpacked or in storage (i.e the grandparents' garage). I'll be getting a "new" car soon, and I can't wait. There is so much to do here I NEED a car during the day.

Other than that I guess not much going on. Just enjoying our new home and exploring the new city.