Sunday, October 31, 2010
Music Monday part 2
Happy Halloween
We started the night about 7 when it started getting dark. Mason dressed in his bacon costume and Patrick as his egg (although Will thought he was a flower ha) and Kayla as a zombie skateboarder. We went with Uncle Donnie, Julie, Chase, Coby, and Will. Trick or Treating with both boys without a helper proved to be much harder than I thought. Hopefully next year I'll have help.
By the time we finished one side of the street my arm was dead and just as we got to the car Patrick's egg broke. I decided to take Mason home and since Patrick scrambled his egg I decided to try the bacon costume on him and it FIT!!!!
Once we got Mason home Kayla, Patrick, and I went back out. We stopped at 7-11 for drinks and went to two other neighborhoods and NOTHING not a single house with a light on. Blah
The best part of the night was coming home to find out I had won a raffle on facebook. If you like Skeeberbootique on facebook get ready for a bunch of new product because I just won...
So excited to get this in the mail!!! I can't wait.
I wish the Rangers were playing better tonight, and I wish my husband would answer his phone, but all in all it was a great night. Next week is full of getting stuff ready for our garage sale and then going to Arlington on Friday to look for a job and grab lunch with a friend. I can't wait!!!!!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
And Here They Are
Isn't that the best looking bacon and eggs you've ever seen? They were a HUGE hit at the Trunk or Treat. A special thanks to Monica for Mason's costume. Check her work out at Cutsie Bowtique
Tomorrow we'll go trick or treating around the neighborhood. I decided not to dress the dog up because I won't be able to handle both kids and him by myself since Bob will be leaving about 5. At least he got to see them in their costumes tonight.
On second thought
Check it out at Macy's
I wish I could figure out how to get the picture so I could post it here, but it's not letting me, so you'll have to click the link.
It's That Time of Year
Not for Christmas (although I need to do that too). I'm talking about District Meeting shopping.
Every year Bob's company gathers up all the new hires, interns, and higher ups in the company, along with their spouses and children and treats us to a couple nights of good fun, good food, and good friends. And don't forget all the swag (last year spouses got brand new New Balance shoes and the employees got iPod Nanos among other things).
We take over the hotel. No really, last year our party was in the lobby of the hotel. We had ice bars as far as the eye could see, we had a band, we took over every banquet room as well with HUGE candy tables, a couple sketch artists, every where you turned there was another bar (an OPEN bar at that). More food than we knew what to do with considering they fed us dinner before the party as well.
The spouses get to have fun while the employees are in meetings during the day as well. Last year we did team building (that was fun to watch us all falling all over each other and being silly) and then we did lunch with the Saucy Sisters.
So now that I fell off course talking about all the fun stuff from last year, let's get to the reason for my post. I need to start looking for District Meeting clothes.
Last year Bob was the center of attention because of all his weight loss. This year...this year is MY year. I want to look SMOKING!!! I want them to be like man that's Bob's wife. I wish I knew what the theme was this year so I knew if I needed anything special (like last year we needed jerseys of our favorite sports team, and the year before that we needed beach themed clothes).
What I do know is I'll need a dress, maybe two, but one for sure. Last year I wore a deep purple halter style about knee length with killer black heels. I am just not finding anything I want for this year. District Meeting is the second week in January so it's a little ways away, but with the holidays just around the corner I won't have much time to shop.
Lucky for us we don't have to buy Bob a new suit this year. Maybe a couple of shirts and some new ties, but that's about all he'll need. I on the other hand can't fit in my stuff from last year because it's all too big.
Any of my lovely readers have favorite places to shop for dresses? I'll need a cocktail dress and bonus points if you direct me to shoes that look good with the dress.
Remember I gotta look smoking! Bob should get on stage this year for a service award and when he stands up I want everyone to notice us. Not to mention I need to look good during the day time events too because I have a feeling I'll be talking about the new spouses group.
This year we'll be at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Dallas on January 12,13, and 14 I believe.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Can I survive the next 4 weeks?
I HATE sleeping alone. No that's not true...I LOVE sleeping alone, when I'm in a big bed with tons of room. I don't have that here. I sleep on the couch. Which isn't bad, but I'd much rather be in a bed.
Add to this the fact that Mason is a teething beast and the only thing that has ever helped him are the Hyland Teething Tablets. Too bad they've been recalled. Tylenol isn't cutting it anymore and he is miserable which means everyone else is miserable too. If you've ever met my grandfather you know a screaming baby is not on the top of his list of things to listen to.
It's not like I can just get in the car and drive somewhere like I did in DFW. There isn't anything here. I've long lost touch with any friends I had here.
The ONLY thing keeping me sane is my upcoming trips to DFW. I wish I could go every day. Just turn up the radio and drive. *sigh*
Edited to add that I think my dad and stepmom are coming again tomorrow and I hope they bring my sister and nieces and nephew.
10 Months!!!!!

10 months ago today I was on my way to the doctor after having spent (I can't even remember how long I was there) in Labor and Delivery the night before. The doctor said I wouldn't be having the baby any time soon, go home and rest, and see you in a week.
Mason had other plans...
I'll save the birth story for his birthday blog post, but I wanted everyone to know that today I have a 10 month old.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Friday Randoms
- When I eat chili I have to use a plastic spoon. For some reason metal spoons and chili make my teeth hurt.
- In my family we have a birthday every month except for May and October.
- I'm afraid of the really I am. I have to have a light on somewhere, even if it's just a bright alarm clock so long as there is some light
- I have to GO TO sleep with a blanket even if it's 90 degrees, but within the first 5 minutes I have one leg out of the covers
- If Kayla had been a boy her name would have been Ethan Michael
- If Patrick had been a girl his name would have been Addison Vanessa
- If Mason had been a girl his name would have been Rosalie Cambria
- I want an English Bulldog and I will own one some day
- I've given unmedicated birth twice, and have had multiple piercings, but I'm too scared to get a tattoo
- I would kill for black jelly beans. They are awesome!!!!
- Bob, Lindsey, Patrick, and Mason are allergic to chocolate.
WOW that's crazy
That's my page views for the week. My blog has jumped on unique page views in only one day. I LOVE the attention. Just a little bit more and I'll be able to review better products, offer better giveaways to my readers, and watch my google page rank go up. I might not have a lot of followers, but I have a lot of page views and that's just as important to some companies. I hope all my new readers enjoy their time here and find what it is they are looking for. If you'd like to see something specific you can always reach me by email. I do requests
Don't forget we have Friday Randoms tomorrow, we'll have the boys in costume pics on Sunday, and Music Mondays. Starting next week I'll also be doing Tuesday Thoughts, Wordless Wednesday, and Thursday Thanks.
Edited to add: it makes me sad that you can't see that nice spike in my page views today because of my blog layout, but it sure is pretty.
I want to try one of these

The Color-Changing Martini
This drink smokes elegantly, changes from a calm blue to fuschia as it cools from room temperature to drinkably cold, and tastes like a dirty martini.
You'll need:
Gin (or vodka, for a vodka martini) ~ Vermouth ~ Dry Ice ~ Baking Soda ~ Red Cabbage
Red #$@%! Cabbage?
Yes. Red cabbage contains a water-soluble anthocyanin that is a pH indicator. At low pH (acid), it's red. It's purple at neutral pH, and goes blue then green as the solution becomes alkaline. You're not going to see the full range here, because we want the drink to be, well, drinkable.
To get the indicator, chop up a cabbage leaf, put it in a bowl with some water, and microwave until it's boiling (or just add boiling water and allow to steep). A purple pigment will stain the water.
The Color-Changing Martini from Osmcann on Vimeo.
Going Back
We'll be back the day after Thanksgiving, so while all you crazy people are out shopping Black Friday I'll be on the road. Hello no traffic!!!! Ha
I was starting to have anxiety attacks over being here. I was fine until I started on the road back to Abilene from Arlington this morning. About Ranger when I stopped to get a drink I started feeling bad. My throat swelled up and my chest got tight. I haven't eaten but a few bites of chili and some crackers and a muffin today. It was pretty bad there for a while. Thanks Lindsey for "listening" to me and understanding my feelings.
So the plan is go to DFW on the 10th for the KFS Quarterly Meeting (this is my spouses group), hang out with some friends on the 11th for my birthday (the big 27 woohoo) and then back to Abilene the night of the 11th. Back to DFW on the 15th to take Matt (mom's boyfriend) to the doctor, then back to Abilene. Leave Abilene the day after Thanksgiving. Bob flies out to Omaha on the 29th and I will take Matt to the doctor again.
I'll use my trip on the 10th/11th to look for a job, and it shouldn't be too hard with the Holidays coming up. I feel like a 2 ton weight has been lifted off my chest. I can breath and I might even try to eat again.
Now if only the Rangers would win I'd be good to go.

Once again
South Richmond Hill, New York arrived from on "Skeeberboo".
15:45:29 -- 52 minutes ago Saint Louis, Missouri left via from "Skeeberboo: I haz a sad"
15:35:45 -- 1 hour 2 mins ago Saint Louis, Missouri arrived from on "Skeeberboo".
15:31:18 -- 1 hour 7 mins ago Rancho Santa Margarita, California arrived from on "Skeeberboo".
15:28:43 -- 1 hour 9 mins ago Newark, Delaware arrived from on "Skeeberboo".
15:23:56 -- 1 hour 14 mins ago Northbrook, Illinois arrived from on "Skeeberboo".
15:20:52 -- 1 hour 17 mins ago Tallahassee, Florida arrived from on "Skeeberboo".
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Big Reveal.....
Writers Block
I hope today and tomorrow just fly by. I have plans Thursday. I'll be going back to the DFW area solo (the boys will be staying here for the night). I have to take a book back to Cindy, and pay a couple bills. Then Thursday night I have my first mommy's night out that doesn't include "K" spouses. Not that there's anything wrong with my fellow spouses, but I feel like I can let loose a little bit more when I'm not representing the company. KWIM?
After having some mommy fun I guess I'm going to stay with Bob (if Phil says it's cool). That way I don't have to drive back to Abilene so late (or drunk if it gets to that point lol).
Friday is the cross town rivalry here in Abilene (E E E A G L L L E S E A G L E S go EAGLES). Come on Eagles, let's Black Out Cooper!!!! Would be nice to be out at Shotwell watching the game, but I bet tickets are sold out already.
Bob will be back in town on Saturday and of course Sunday is Halloween. I can't wait to show you the boys' costumes. It's a secret (unless you're on facebook and saw the picture of Mason's costume that Monica made him). I always do creative homemade costumes every year, but I don't tell because I don't want anyone local to steal my idea in case we do the costume contest.
Kayla won the contest one year for her Macaroni and Cheese costume and Lindsey (my step-daughter) won one year for her Box of Popcorn costume.
Well the Mini Munch (that's Mason's new nickname according to Kayla) is up and Ty needs to go outside so I guess that's all she wrote for now.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Music Monday
I suppose I should add that it's currently on repeat on my iPod and I listened to it while I fell asleep :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Random randoms post
*Nothing ticks you off more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
* I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
* There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
* I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.
* I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
* I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.
* How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear what they said?
* I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars teams up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers!
* Map Quest really needs to start their directions on #5. Pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
* Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.
* I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.
* Bad decisions make good stories.
* You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you've made up your mind that you just aren't doing anything productive for the rest of the day.
* Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after DVDs? I don't want to have to restart my collection.
* There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
* I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my thirty page insurance policy that I swear I did not make any changes to.
* While watching the Olympics, I find myself cheering equally for China and USA . No, I am not of Chinese descent, but I am fairly certain that when Chinese athletes don't win, they are executed.
* I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello? Darn it!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voicemail. What'd you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone
and run away?
* I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.
* Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
* I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.
* Even if I knew your social security number, I wouldn't know what do to with it.
* I wonder if cops ever get ticked off at the fact that everyone they drive behind obeys the speed limit.
* I think the freezer deserves a light as well.
* I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with liquor than with "Kay".
Saturday, October 23, 2010
My last day in Lewisville
It will take a couple trips to get all our crap. Wish I knew someone with a truck that didn't have a cover on the back that would help me move ;)
I hope Ty (our Dachshund/terrier mix),Sugar (their chihuahua/terrier mix), and Midnight (their cat) get along. At least Ty and Sugar are both fixed so we don't have to worry about any "terriershundhua" puppies.
In other news... hangovers SUCK!!!! and moving sucks even more.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Good Food, Good Friends, Free Beer, and
Friday Randoms
Its so nice knowing that someone is thinking about you.
Perfection is an illusion...the greatest beauty lay within the flaws
When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot.....and hold on.
No matter how hard you pinch the skin under your still NEVER hurts. I know your trying it right now...weird huh?
When life has you questioning which road to take, which one, or which way, take a step back, reflect and listen to your heart
Be careful what you say to people on your way up... if your balloon pops you may have to encounter those same people on your way down.
My Friday Randoms:
I lost 11 pounds this week!!!! Which means I am now only 7 pounds up from when we moved from Brownsville.
My favorite color is pink (and black, white, and yellow)
My favorite food is pizza with a close second of Fuzzy's Tacos shredded chicken salad (oh how I will miss you Fuzzy's Tacos..."If it smells like a fish and looks like a taco it must be good" lmao
I love Chili's, hate Applebees
I want a Barnes and Noble Nook or an Amazon Kindle for my birthday
I cried myself to sleep last night
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I haz a sad
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
World Diabetes Day
Swagbucks is the Community That Pays
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I enjoy this
What you can't see when you look at me
Monday, October 18, 2010
So who's taking me out?
5 Random Things About Me
You're not welcome here...
Sunday, October 17, 2010
A couple things to keep in mind
Upcoming Review
Flavors to be reviewed:
Big Bounce Bubblegum
Girly Green Apple
Cha Cha Chocolate and
Kissable Kiwi
Stay tuned for the upcoming review.
A First For Me Today
Saturday, October 16, 2010
I forgot what it was like...
A-Z about me
- Accent: I don't think so, but I know when I lived in Illinois they hated the way I talked.
- Booze: TEQUILA!!!!!
- Chore I Hate: Dishes
- Dogs/Cats: Dogs
- Essential Electronics: Oh man, The Mac, The iPod, The Nikon.
- Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Vera Wang-Princess
- Gold/Silver: White gold baby, white gold
- Hometown: Abilene, Texas
- Insomnia: Sometimes I stay awake most of the night just thinking. Sometimes I wake up way too early (like today, hello 4:30 am on a Saturday)
- Job Title: MOMMY
- Kids: I have three stepchildren Michael is 22, Casey is 20, Lindsey is 11 and I have three children of my own, Kayla is 10, Patrick is 3, and Mason is 9 months
- Living Arrangements: WAY TOO SMALL apartment
- Most Admired Trait: My most admired trait? I guess my ability to tell it like it is
- Number of Sexual Partners: WOW a little nosey there aren't we? Let's just say it is more than likely more than you've had
- Overnight Hospital Stays: Three births and being there when Mason had RSV :(
- Phobia: I am scared of bugs, things that fly, and believe it or not I get anxiety over calling people I don't know
- Quote: "Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym" "You can't out train bad nutrition"
- Religion: Touchy subject don't ya think?
- Siblings: 5 half sisters, 2 half brothers, 2 brothers-in-law
- Time I usually wake up: When my Skeebs decides he's ready to play
- Unusual Talent: I can't say I have any unusual talent, but I get shit from remembering details about a story or event, so maybe that's my talent
- Vegetable I refuse to eat: Lima beans.
- Worst Habit: Swearing. I can't stop.
- X-Rays: Dental, knee, ankle, facial
- Yummy Foods I Make: Everything I make is yummy
- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio