Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ahhhh I almost forgot

I mentioned the new facebook page in my last blog, but I didn't tell you about it.

So I recently obtained a Yudu (google that, it's freaking AWESOME!!!!) So I am now making t-shirts and stuff. Errr I am GOING to be making t-shirts and stuff. I still have a little work to do to make them shop ready.

I've taken the link out of here because I have people that like to follow me around the internet showing their "E-Balls".

We'll be doing a giveaway when we reach 100 fans. Check it out and let your friends know. I am making bows, lovey blankets, jewelry, and soon I'll add t-shirts and onesies. As soon as I can figure the Yudu out.

All profit from sales will go towards Mason's head fund. We're about $1900 away from being able to get his helmet. OH YEAH, I almost forgot our insurance decided to cover the DOC band. But Cranial Tech is out of network so we have to pay our OON deductible and 40% of what's left over. It's still a lot, but better than $4000. I did a happy dance the day I got the news, then I cried like a baby.

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