Sunday, March 27, 2011

Monday Madness

First off... I am so freaking tired of being in pain!!!! Between my tooth and my coccyx I can't catch a dang break. UGH

Now on to my busy week...

  • Monday: Working 11-3! We have markdowns to do. After work maybe the gym. 
  • Tuesday: No work!!!! Patrick has his speech evaluation at 9. I'm going to attempt to tan today if the boys will cooperate with me.
  • Wednesday: Work!!!! Should be 6:30-9:30. Before work will be a day of bill paying and running errands.
  • Thursday: I'm on call from 12-3 and Thursday night is darts. I don't know if they'll need me to play or not though.
  • Friday: Working!!! 6:30-9:30 I think. Gym time!!!
  • Saturday: This is D&D week. It should be our last session before we start DH (Dark Heresy). No work!
  • Sunday: I'm pretty sure I work Sunday because I think we have new line going out.

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