Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday Randoms
I am so exhausted. Working in retail during the holidays is by far the hardest thing I've ever done.
Thankfully the BRB (Big Red Balloon) is over Sunday.
Sunday I work a split shift (9:00 to noon and 6:30 to 9:30) doing inventory.
Luckily because the store is closed during the times I am working I can go to work in sweats
I've never had a problem with my face breaking out... until I turned 27 and now for some reason it's broken out like crazy all the time. It's quite annoying and ugly.
Bob is on his way home for the weekend.
My manager gave me her blessing to get my nose pierced and said I can keep my tongue ring in as long as the customers can't see it.
I am too tired to finish this blog post. Maybe I'll post more randoms tomorrow.
Thankfully the BRB (Big Red Balloon) is over Sunday.
Sunday I work a split shift (9:00 to noon and 6:30 to 9:30) doing inventory.
Luckily because the store is closed during the times I am working I can go to work in sweats
I've never had a problem with my face breaking out... until I turned 27 and now for some reason it's broken out like crazy all the time. It's quite annoying and ugly.
Bob is on his way home for the weekend.
My manager gave me her blessing to get my nose pierced and said I can keep my tongue ring in as long as the customers can't see it.
I am too tired to finish this blog post. Maybe I'll post more randoms tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
No More Bottles!!!! and other stuff
Tonight is night one of no more bottles. We did the same thing with Patrick, threw all the bottles away on the first birthday and used sippy cups only. Mason got a sippy cup of milk when he went to bed, but he didn't even drink it. He fell asleep with his pacifier (I found a backup one since we lost his favorite one at the mall).
I hope that this goes as well as it did with Patrick, but I'm thinking it won't because Mason is much more high needs than Patrick was.
I was supposed to be off tomorrow but they need me to come in from 4-9:30. I am so not looking forward to that. I wish she'd have me work more days and less nights. I am so tired by the time I get home I just want to pass out.
Bob will be home tomorrow (or Today if you're reading this on Thursday). He'll be here until Sunday morning. I'm glad I am off on Friday so we can spend the day together. Saturday I'll be with friends and he'll be spending time with the boys.
I am so lonely. I cry a lot these days. Mostly at night when I'm in bed. I think it hurts a lot more than it should. I'm just a big ball of emotions. I put up a good front during the day so I can function, but night time is brutal. I know I made a whole blog about this very subject a few weeks ago, but it's not getting any easier, in fact it's getting harder. It also doesn't help tonight that Mason isn't a baby anymore. I am having a hard time with that.
I hope that this goes as well as it did with Patrick, but I'm thinking it won't because Mason is much more high needs than Patrick was.
I was supposed to be off tomorrow but they need me to come in from 4-9:30. I am so not looking forward to that. I wish she'd have me work more days and less nights. I am so tired by the time I get home I just want to pass out.
Bob will be home tomorrow (or Today if you're reading this on Thursday). He'll be here until Sunday morning. I'm glad I am off on Friday so we can spend the day together. Saturday I'll be with friends and he'll be spending time with the boys.
I am so lonely. I cry a lot these days. Mostly at night when I'm in bed. I think it hurts a lot more than it should. I'm just a big ball of emotions. I put up a good front during the day so I can function, but night time is brutal. I know I made a whole blog about this very subject a few weeks ago, but it's not getting any easier, in fact it's getting harder. It also doesn't help tonight that Mason isn't a baby anymore. I am having a hard time with that.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
My Baby is ONE!!!!!!
Can someone please tell me how this happened? I can't believe this day is here. It seems like just yesterday I was ready to kill the Emergency Room guy. In honor of my baby not being a baby anymore here is his birth story. Some of you know this story, but I think most of you do not.
On Sunday December 27th Bob and I were doing our weekly grocery shopping at HEB. It was at this store that I started losing the MP. Gross I know!
On Monday December 28th I woke up in pain, bleeding, and couldn't tell when I needed to use the bathroom. The nurse line suggested I come into the office. My doctor was called to an emergency before I arrived so they sent us to L&D to get checked out. Bob couldn't come up with me because he had Patrick. We didn't think I'd be there long so they just chilled in the waiting room. Eventually I sent them home because it was going on like 8 hours. I was not having contractions, I was not making any progress, and my doctor hadn't come to see me. I was diagnosed with a UTI and the doctor wanted to keep me over night. I broke down! I just freaking lost it!!! I was crying and I was tired, I was hungry, and I was overdue for an insulin shot. I begged the nurse to ask my doctor to send me home if I promised I'd come to his office first thing in the morning. He finally agreed to my terms. Total time spent in L&D was 11 hours.
On Tuesday December 29th Bob took me to Dr. Cisneros at 10:00 am. I was hooked up to the NST and I think I may have had one contraction during that hour. He did an internal and said Mason was high up and I was not progressed at all. He told me to make an appointment for the following week, and I said no need, I'll see you tonight. He laughed at me.
We got my prescription filled for the antibiotic for my UTI, then went home to grab a bite to eat and let Bob change for the gym. I took some Evening Primrose Oil and we headed out. Bob dropped Patrick and I off at the mall about 2:00 and headed to the gym. We spent 2 hours walking around Charming Charlie looking for the perfect District Meeting dress to spend my gift card Bob got me for Christmas. About 3:30 I started having pains, not contractions, but the kind of pains you would get when you run too hard. We made a trip to the bathroom and I noticed I was bleeding pretty bad. I knew Bob would be back in about and hour so Patrick and I headed back to Charming Charlie. I found 2 dresses, a purse, shoes, and jewelry and we checked out. Bob picked us up about 4:30 ish. He said I looked like crap when he got there (thanks honey I love you too).
When we got home I asked Bob to start dinner while I laid down so the pain would go away. About 6:30 I started timing the contractions. They were about 3 minutes apart and lasting 1 minute each. I told Bob he needed to stop dinner so we could go to the hospital. He kept telling me no, that they would just send me home or I'd throw a fit like I did the night before. I told him I didn't care he better take me NOW!!!!! We headed toward the hospital about 8:00.
When I got to the hospital it was about 8:20 and I had to check into the Emergency Department. At this point my contractions were on top of each other and the ER guy was asking WAY TOO MANY questions. I was ready to kick him if he didn't get me upstairs and fast.
Once I got upstairs it took all my strength just to change into the gown. I was so grateful that the nurses from the night before were there again. After getting me in the bed the nurse in training did an internal and said she thought I was at an 8. The other nurse double checked and goes nope "SHE'S A 10, AND THERE GOES HER WATER GET EVERYONE IN HERE NOW!!!" My doctor wasn't there, Bob wasn't there (he had to stay downstairs with Patrick again). I remember the nurse struggling with the curtain since the door is open and I said "I don't care about the damn curtain he's coming if they see my junk then they see my junk" (those were my exact words) she said don't push Sara, I said I HAVE TO, she said wait breath through it. I said I can't he's doing it on his own. She looks and goes "yup, here he comes".
15 minutes after arriving in the Emergency Department Mason was born on December 29th at 8:36 pm weighing 8 pounds 8.2 ounces. As the nurses were doing their thing they brought me my phone so I could call Bob. He says "so are they sending you home?" I said "No, Mason and I have to stay here at least 24 hours" That confused him so I said "listen" and held the phone up so he could hear Mason crying. He said "No shit?" Yes shit. HA!
On Sunday December 27th Bob and I were doing our weekly grocery shopping at HEB. It was at this store that I started losing the MP. Gross I know!
On Monday December 28th I woke up in pain, bleeding, and couldn't tell when I needed to use the bathroom. The nurse line suggested I come into the office. My doctor was called to an emergency before I arrived so they sent us to L&D to get checked out. Bob couldn't come up with me because he had Patrick. We didn't think I'd be there long so they just chilled in the waiting room. Eventually I sent them home because it was going on like 8 hours. I was not having contractions, I was not making any progress, and my doctor hadn't come to see me. I was diagnosed with a UTI and the doctor wanted to keep me over night. I broke down! I just freaking lost it!!! I was crying and I was tired, I was hungry, and I was overdue for an insulin shot. I begged the nurse to ask my doctor to send me home if I promised I'd come to his office first thing in the morning. He finally agreed to my terms. Total time spent in L&D was 11 hours.
On Tuesday December 29th Bob took me to Dr. Cisneros at 10:00 am. I was hooked up to the NST and I think I may have had one contraction during that hour. He did an internal and said Mason was high up and I was not progressed at all. He told me to make an appointment for the following week, and I said no need, I'll see you tonight. He laughed at me.
We got my prescription filled for the antibiotic for my UTI, then went home to grab a bite to eat and let Bob change for the gym. I took some Evening Primrose Oil and we headed out. Bob dropped Patrick and I off at the mall about 2:00 and headed to the gym. We spent 2 hours walking around Charming Charlie looking for the perfect District Meeting dress to spend my gift card Bob got me for Christmas. About 3:30 I started having pains, not contractions, but the kind of pains you would get when you run too hard. We made a trip to the bathroom and I noticed I was bleeding pretty bad. I knew Bob would be back in about and hour so Patrick and I headed back to Charming Charlie. I found 2 dresses, a purse, shoes, and jewelry and we checked out. Bob picked us up about 4:30 ish. He said I looked like crap when he got there (thanks honey I love you too).
When we got home I asked Bob to start dinner while I laid down so the pain would go away. About 6:30 I started timing the contractions. They were about 3 minutes apart and lasting 1 minute each. I told Bob he needed to stop dinner so we could go to the hospital. He kept telling me no, that they would just send me home or I'd throw a fit like I did the night before. I told him I didn't care he better take me NOW!!!!! We headed toward the hospital about 8:00.
When I got to the hospital it was about 8:20 and I had to check into the Emergency Department. At this point my contractions were on top of each other and the ER guy was asking WAY TOO MANY questions. I was ready to kick him if he didn't get me upstairs and fast.
Once I got upstairs it took all my strength just to change into the gown. I was so grateful that the nurses from the night before were there again. After getting me in the bed the nurse in training did an internal and said she thought I was at an 8. The other nurse double checked and goes nope "SHE'S A 10, AND THERE GOES HER WATER GET EVERYONE IN HERE NOW!!!" My doctor wasn't there, Bob wasn't there (he had to stay downstairs with Patrick again). I remember the nurse struggling with the curtain since the door is open and I said "I don't care about the damn curtain he's coming if they see my junk then they see my junk" (those were my exact words) she said don't push Sara, I said I HAVE TO, she said wait breath through it. I said I can't he's doing it on his own. She looks and goes "yup, here he comes".
15 minutes after arriving in the Emergency Department Mason was born on December 29th at 8:36 pm weighing 8 pounds 8.2 ounces. As the nurses were doing their thing they brought me my phone so I could call Bob. He says "so are they sending you home?" I said "No, Mason and I have to stay here at least 24 hours" That confused him so I said "listen" and held the phone up so he could hear Mason crying. He said "No shit?" Yes shit. HA!
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
Early July 2010 (apparently I didn't take pictures in June)
Late July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
Tuesday Thoughts
My littlest sister, Autumn (or Ahhhm as Patrick calls her) stayed the night last night. It's been forever since I've seen her. I'm glad she stayed with me. She'll also spend the day with me since my mom is babysitting the boys tonight.
My mom, Matt, two of my sisters (Katie and Autumn), Patrick, and Mason came to see me at work last night. They couldn't find my car though so for future reference...
I ALWAYS park in the parking garage between Macys and Dillards and I try to get as close to the mall entrance in between the two stores as possible.
My baby will be one tomorrow!!!! How did this happen??
Working 6:30 to 9:30 today.
My mom, Matt, two of my sisters (Katie and Autumn), Patrick, and Mason came to see me at work last night. They couldn't find my car though so for future reference...
I ALWAYS park in the parking garage between Macys and Dillards and I try to get as close to the mall entrance in between the two stores as possible.
My baby will be one tomorrow!!!! How did this happen??
Working 6:30 to 9:30 today.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday Madness
It's time for another round of Monday Madness. This week seems to be off to a good start (HA! It's only 7:00 am Monday morning).
Monday I am hoping I get to see a friend for lunch. Dropping the boys off with Mom and Matt about 2:00 and then working 3:00 to 6:00 (I better double check that because last time I thought I worked at 3 I actually went in at 2). Then just the boys and I for the rest of the night. Bob left this morning to head back to the RGV.
Tuesday I work again, but I don't know the time right off the top of my head. I know it's in the evening because Mom and Matt are coming to watch the boys over here.
Wednesday is my Skeeb's birthday. He'll be one :( they grow up way too fast!!! We're going to Lewisville this night to celebrate Mason and Phoebe's birthday with Cindy, Andy, Cindy's dad, some of Cindy's friends, and hopefully Geri, Elizabeth, Jessica, and Kolbie.
Thursday I have to go into Dallas to pick something up for Bob and then back to Lewisville to pay a bill.
Friday Bob gets back home and after the events involving my brother and Natalie we will be celebrating the New Year at home.
Saturday is the day I am looking forward to the most. I will be spending the day with friends doing our thing, enjoying a few beers, having a few laughs. Bob will have the boys all day.
Sunday Bob heads back to the RGV again and won't be home until District Meeting in Mid-January.
Monday I am hoping I get to see a friend for lunch. Dropping the boys off with Mom and Matt about 2:00 and then working 3:00 to 6:00 (I better double check that because last time I thought I worked at 3 I actually went in at 2). Then just the boys and I for the rest of the night. Bob left this morning to head back to the RGV.
Tuesday I work again, but I don't know the time right off the top of my head. I know it's in the evening because Mom and Matt are coming to watch the boys over here.
Wednesday is my Skeeb's birthday. He'll be one :( they grow up way too fast!!! We're going to Lewisville this night to celebrate Mason and Phoebe's birthday with Cindy, Andy, Cindy's dad, some of Cindy's friends, and hopefully Geri, Elizabeth, Jessica, and Kolbie.
Thursday I have to go into Dallas to pick something up for Bob and then back to Lewisville to pay a bill.
Friday Bob gets back home and after the events involving my brother and Natalie we will be celebrating the New Year at home.
Saturday is the day I am looking forward to the most. I will be spending the day with friends doing our thing, enjoying a few beers, having a few laughs. Bob will have the boys all day.
Sunday Bob heads back to the RGV again and won't be home until District Meeting in Mid-January.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
It was a great Christmas
Although we had our share of drama here yesterday it was a great Christmas.
Santa brought Patrick big boy underwear (from Gymboree of course lol) and he wore a pair for most of the day and had no accidents. I love that little man. Today though he is covered head to toe in a rash. Apparently my children are allergic to Abilene... I don't blame them HA!
Mason took three steps from Uncle Donnie to me last night. BEST.CHRISTMAS.PRESENT.EVER!!!
Today is Mason's birthday party. I picked up his smash cake this morning and I am making the "eating cake" as I write this. I will take pictures, of course, and post them some time this week. I forgot my transfer cable at home so all photos will have to wait.
We're heading back to Arlington today after we drop Lindsey off in Weatherford. Bob heads back to McAllen tomorrow and back to work for me tomorrow as well.
Santa brought Patrick big boy underwear (from Gymboree of course lol) and he wore a pair for most of the day and had no accidents. I love that little man. Today though he is covered head to toe in a rash. Apparently my children are allergic to Abilene... I don't blame them HA!
Mason took three steps from Uncle Donnie to me last night. BEST.CHRISTMAS.PRESENT.EVER!!!
Today is Mason's birthday party. I picked up his smash cake this morning and I am making the "eating cake" as I write this. I will take pictures, of course, and post them some time this week. I forgot my transfer cable at home so all photos will have to wait.
We're heading back to Arlington today after we drop Lindsey off in Weatherford. Bob heads back to McAllen tomorrow and back to work for me tomorrow as well.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
I would like to take a minute and say Merry Christmas to all my amazing blog readers. I hope your holidays go well and everyone stays safe and warm.
For those that don't know, on Thursday my brother and his girlfriend were in a terrible accident after leaving a bar. The hit an abandoned car on the side of the highway. I will spare you the pictures. My brother was arrested and charged with intoxication assault. He spent the night in the city jail before our mom and his dad bonded him out. His girlfriends was extracted using the Jaws of Life and transported to the hospital. She surgery on Friday morning. Her femur was fractured and the surgeons put a steel rod in, her hip was cracked and they put a screw in, her tendons are sticking out of her pinky, she has a pretty bad concussion, and her face is pretty swollen.
My mom and Matt drove in from Abilene last night to be there for Austin and Natalie. After determining that everything is good, considering, they drove back in to Abilene last night. Austin is spending Christmas at the hospital with Natalie.
As far as Christmas for us, we're spending it with my family in Abilene (as we do every year). We're waiting for the rest of the adults to wake up so the kiddies can open their presents. I am so excited for Mason's first Christmas. I plan on taking many pictures. Most of them will be on Facebook, but I will post a couple here as well.
Merry Christmas!!!! Be safe!!!!
For those that don't know, on Thursday my brother and his girlfriend were in a terrible accident after leaving a bar. The hit an abandoned car on the side of the highway. I will spare you the pictures. My brother was arrested and charged with intoxication assault. He spent the night in the city jail before our mom and his dad bonded him out. His girlfriends was extracted using the Jaws of Life and transported to the hospital. She surgery on Friday morning. Her femur was fractured and the surgeons put a steel rod in, her hip was cracked and they put a screw in, her tendons are sticking out of her pinky, she has a pretty bad concussion, and her face is pretty swollen.
My mom and Matt drove in from Abilene last night to be there for Austin and Natalie. After determining that everything is good, considering, they drove back in to Abilene last night. Austin is spending Christmas at the hospital with Natalie.
As far as Christmas for us, we're spending it with my family in Abilene (as we do every year). We're waiting for the rest of the adults to wake up so the kiddies can open their presents. I am so excited for Mason's first Christmas. I plan on taking many pictures. Most of them will be on Facebook, but I will post a couple here as well.
Merry Christmas!!!! Be safe!!!!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas 2009...
This was me after the neighborhood Christmas party last year (on Christmas Eve). Who would have guessed it would be my last belly picture? I can't believe how freaking huge I was... no wonder my neighbor always asked me if I was sure there wasn't three in there.
But hey LOOK!!! I can still see my feet (or at least my camera can stick out past my belly and take a picture of my feet-- HA)
Here's my handsome little Boo at the "K" O-Fence Christmas party
There's my honey looking good on christmas Eve
He was telling Daddy to throw the wrapping paper in the trash... silly boy
So much has happened this year and it's hard to believe these pics were only taken a year ago. The next few blog posts will be about the Holidays, 2010 for the Tankersley Family, and of course stay tuned on the 29th for a blog all about my Skeeber Baby.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my blog readers!!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Thursday Thankfuls
Today I am thankful for...
- My husband making it home safe and sound last night
- Tylenol Severe Cold... without you I would not have been able to function the past three days
- My wonderful stepdaughter for helping me wrangle children and clean up a bit before Bob got home
- My family... We welcomed a new member into the family yesterday. Congratulations David and Sonja on your wedding. Sorry we had to miss it. Hope the rest of you didn't party too hard last night.
- Early Christmas presents!!! I got my new dice set, which is totally awesome!!! I also got a GPS, some yummy chocolate, and a bottle of Patron. YAY!!!!
- One more day off before I have to work that mad house tomorrow. Malls should be closed on Christmas Eve... Just sayin'.
- My boys... nuff said!!!!
- My friends!!!!! I love you all!
- Facebook, for letting me reconnect with old friends and make news ones all at the same time.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Skeeber stealing french fries at lunch today :)
My first Christmas present!!! THANK YOU!!!! I love it!!!!!
Tuesday Thoughts
8 DAYS... That's how long I have until Mason turns 1. The past year has gone by way too fast and I am not ready for him to be a toddler. I want my little baby back. :(
I was able to find a sitter for today (Thank You Jess). I hope my boys don't drive her wild on top of her 11 month old.
You'd think with how tired I am I'd be sleeping at 6 am on a Tuesday, but for whatever reason I am wide awake and bored out of my mind.
I am so ready for the holidays to be over with. Just driving to work is enough to make me go crazy. The traffic is awful and the crowds are even worse.
The husband gets home tomorrow!!!!!!
I've decided for sure that we are not going to Abilene tomorrow. We'll go on Christmas so the boys can see everyone and do the present thing. I just don't feel like putting my whole life on hold for that wedding like everyone else has. Besides I have a lot of cleaning to do before Bob gets home.
I REALLY need to wash my's awful!!!
I guess that's all I have for now, may be back later for more. Working 3-8:30 today.
I was able to find a sitter for today (Thank You Jess). I hope my boys don't drive her wild on top of her 11 month old.
You'd think with how tired I am I'd be sleeping at 6 am on a Tuesday, but for whatever reason I am wide awake and bored out of my mind.
I am so ready for the holidays to be over with. Just driving to work is enough to make me go crazy. The traffic is awful and the crowds are even worse.
The husband gets home tomorrow!!!!!!
I've decided for sure that we are not going to Abilene tomorrow. We'll go on Christmas so the boys can see everyone and do the present thing. I just don't feel like putting my whole life on hold for that wedding like everyone else has. Besides I have a lot of cleaning to do before Bob gets home.
I REALLY need to wash my's awful!!!
I guess that's all I have for now, may be back later for more. Working 3-8:30 today.
Monday, December 20, 2010
And we're back...
The internet has been down since Saturday night. It has sucked not being able to blog or anything. At least I had my friends keep me sane via text.
So let's see what's been going on the last couple of days...
Saturday I had a blast!!!! I met some great people and I can't wait until we can get together again. Saturday night was a big sad mess. We had to find a new home for Ty because of Mason's perma-rash he had going on. Plus any time Ty came within two feet of Mason he would scream at the top of his lungs until Ty backed off. He went to live with the brother of a friend of mine. I know he'll be taken care of and they will love him just as much as we do. Patrick doesn't understand and he keeps asking where's Ty. Mason couldn't care less.
Sunday was a day full of cleaning. It's amazing what you can get done when you don't have the internet to tempt you. I also made an incredible lunch (recipe to come later).
So now on to our Monday madness post...
Today I work 5-close.
Tuesday I am supposed to work from 3-8:30 but again I find myself without a sitter because...well we won't get into all that here. If I can't find a sitter then I hope they can cover my shift at work.
Wednesday is my uncle's wedding, but I don't think we're going to be able to make it. If I have to pay a sitter for tomorrow night then I can't afford to drive to Abilene too. Oh well I guess I will be the one person that doesn't put my entire life on hold for you. I'll pick Lindsey up for Christmas and Bob will be home Wednesday night.
Thursday I have lunch plans...hopefully, since we didn't get to do it last week. I am off on Thursday as well.
Friday I have to work for a few hours, hopefully we won't be too busy.
Saturday is Christmas, but I think we've decided to wait until after the New Year to celebrate, but IDK yet.
Sunday is supposed to be Mason's birthday party, but again I don't think we'll be going to Abilene. Maybe Bob, Lindsey, Mason, Patrick and myself will just do something here at home. Maybe we'll invite Cindy, Andy, and Phoebe, Geri, Chris, and Elizabeth, and Jessica, Brett, and Kolbie. Mason needs to see all his girlfriends anyway.
Bob heads back to the Valley on Monday and then he'll be back on New Year's Eve for a couple of days.
So let's see what's been going on the last couple of days...
Saturday I had a blast!!!! I met some great people and I can't wait until we can get together again. Saturday night was a big sad mess. We had to find a new home for Ty because of Mason's perma-rash he had going on. Plus any time Ty came within two feet of Mason he would scream at the top of his lungs until Ty backed off. He went to live with the brother of a friend of mine. I know he'll be taken care of and they will love him just as much as we do. Patrick doesn't understand and he keeps asking where's Ty. Mason couldn't care less.
Sunday was a day full of cleaning. It's amazing what you can get done when you don't have the internet to tempt you. I also made an incredible lunch (recipe to come later).
So now on to our Monday madness post...
Today I work 5-close.
Tuesday I am supposed to work from 3-8:30 but again I find myself without a sitter because...well we won't get into all that here. If I can't find a sitter then I hope they can cover my shift at work.
Wednesday is my uncle's wedding, but I don't think we're going to be able to make it. If I have to pay a sitter for tomorrow night then I can't afford to drive to Abilene too. Oh well I guess I will be the one person that doesn't put my entire life on hold for you. I'll pick Lindsey up for Christmas and Bob will be home Wednesday night.
Thursday I have lunch plans...hopefully, since we didn't get to do it last week. I am off on Thursday as well.
Friday I have to work for a few hours, hopefully we won't be too busy.
Saturday is Christmas, but I think we've decided to wait until after the New Year to celebrate, but IDK yet.
Sunday is supposed to be Mason's birthday party, but again I don't think we'll be going to Abilene. Maybe Bob, Lindsey, Mason, Patrick and myself will just do something here at home. Maybe we'll invite Cindy, Andy, and Phoebe, Geri, Chris, and Elizabeth, and Jessica, Brett, and Kolbie. Mason needs to see all his girlfriends anyway.
Bob heads back to the Valley on Monday and then he'll be back on New Year's Eve for a couple of days.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday Randoms
I finally changed to the new post options on Blogger. This is my first post since making the switch. It's taking some getting used to.
I did some massive shopping yesterday after my doctor's appointment.
I finally got my camera back!!!! I've hated not having it.
I should probably leave my phone alone when I've been drinking. At least my texts didn't get too crazy last night. And YES she really DOES have a talking snowman in her bathroom...
YAY! I bought a coffee pot finally too.
Is it Saturday yet???
Lunch today with Cindy and Phoebe!!!! YAY
The husband will be home in 5 days!!!!!
I did some massive shopping yesterday after my doctor's appointment.
I finally got my camera back!!!! I've hated not having it.
I should probably leave my phone alone when I've been drinking. At least my texts didn't get too crazy last night. And YES she really DOES have a talking snowman in her bathroom...
YAY! I bought a coffee pot finally too.
Is it Saturday yet???
Lunch today with Cindy and Phoebe!!!! YAY
The husband will be home in 5 days!!!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday Thankfuls
I am thankful for...
Good friends! Yesterday was the perfect day. I had an exceptionally wonderful morning. Breakfast with an AHH-MAZING friend. Then I did laundry and because the boys weren't home yet I got it done in a decent amount of time (not to mention Bob wasn't there "helping"). I had lunch with another good friend and then we did some Christmas shopping.
My husband coming home in less than a week. But then again the tears from the boys are going to suck again when he leaves.
Cindy!!! Her baby shares a birthday with my baby so we'll be going over there for cake to celebrate the babies. I'm glad we won't be alone on Mason's birthday.
Nana, and Papa for watching the boys this week. It sucked driving all the way out there for a sitter, but it was a nice break.
Katie, thanks for watching the boys tonight so I can do the "K" spouses ornament exchange. ILY
Bethany, the new part time sitter, for keeping the boys Saturday.
Speaking of Saturday, I am thankful for my first, TOTALLY AWESOME, Christmas present, that I get to use on Saturday. I am also thankful for the chance to make new friends.
I am thankful that our new family members, Sonja and Jaime, made it safely here from Germany. I hope my uncle gets here just as safe on Saturday.
I am thankful for car payments :)
Good friends! Yesterday was the perfect day. I had an exceptionally wonderful morning. Breakfast with an AHH-MAZING friend. Then I did laundry and because the boys weren't home yet I got it done in a decent amount of time (not to mention Bob wasn't there "helping"). I had lunch with another good friend and then we did some Christmas shopping.
My husband coming home in less than a week. But then again the tears from the boys are going to suck again when he leaves.
Cindy!!! Her baby shares a birthday with my baby so we'll be going over there for cake to celebrate the babies. I'm glad we won't be alone on Mason's birthday.
Nana, and Papa for watching the boys this week. It sucked driving all the way out there for a sitter, but it was a nice break.
Katie, thanks for watching the boys tonight so I can do the "K" spouses ornament exchange. ILY
Bethany, the new part time sitter, for keeping the boys Saturday.
Speaking of Saturday, I am thankful for my first, TOTALLY AWESOME, Christmas present, that I get to use on Saturday. I am also thankful for the chance to make new friends.
I am thankful that our new family members, Sonja and Jaime, made it safely here from Germany. I hope my uncle gets here just as safe on Saturday.
I am thankful for car payments :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday Thoughts
BEST.SNACK.FOOD.EVER... Funyuns dipped in mustard with wasabi. I know it sounds strange, but when we lived in Wyoming they made wasabi flavored Funyuns, and they were so good. We can't find them anywhere though so we started making our own. Not quite the same, but still good.
I am EXHAUSTED!!!! We didn't get out of work until 12:45. I finished hanging Kid Girl and Baby Girl new line, I stocked all the accessories for Kid Girl and Baby Girl, I moved Kid Boy clearance, I rearranged the girl's accessories, I moved the entire Baby Boy section and helped with the new line, I cleaned the register area, swept, swiffered, and straightened racks. My legs are numb and feel like they are going to fall off. My traps feel like I did shrugs all night, and my knee is killing me, but it's all worth it.
I should be in bed, but I was starving so I figured I'd blog while I eat my Funyuns and wasabi mustard. Besides, I just got out of the shower, and I don't like going to bed with a wet head.
The house is too quiet, and I miss my boys.
I am so tired I can't even think...I'm going to bed and I'll post more tomorrow
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday Madness
This week seems to be a bit more hectic than last, but I'm looking forward to the change.
- Today we're going to meet a potential new part time sitter. Her first time watching the boys will be Saturday.
- Today I am driving the boys to Abilene---Hopefully, if I can manage to have enough gas to get there and back.
- I might be picking up an extra shift tonight to help them finish the new floor set. Speaking of floor sets...I rocked the kid girl section last night. Thanks to me the sweater table looks FANTASTIC, even though we didn't think we'd have enough sweaters to pull it off.
- Tomorrow I have a hair appointment in Dallas to finish up from Thursday
- Working tomorrow night!!!!!!
- Wednesday I think I have lunch plans in Fort Worth---
- My mommy is bringing the boys back with her from Abilene on Wednesday.
- Thursday I am hoping I have lunch plans, and then I'm probably going to Lewisville to see Cindy.
- Thursday night is the "K" spouses ornament exchange out in Keller. *note to self* GET WINE!!!!!!
- Working Friday night!!!!
- Saturday will be spent making new friends :)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
2 months
Really? Is that all, just 2 months?
On October 13th I got an email, just a hi, how are you doing email. I never would have guessed that from that simple email that I would have met the person who would become such a great addition to my life. I feel like I've known you so much longer than 2 months. I've opened up and told you things that only my closest friends know. You know things that happen in my life that even my family doesn't know. You listen to me when I need to complain (be it stupid cashiers, my husband, or just life in general).
Not a single day has gone by that we haven't communicated in some way. We've had play dates, lunch dates, breakfast dates, and dinner dates. Even when I moved away I felt close to you because we would watch the Rangers play "together". You even make trips to the grocery store exciting ;) You always know just what to say to make me smile and I appreciate that more than you know.
You have changed my life more than you know and I appreciate that. I'm grateful that you have come into my life. I'm honored to call you my friend.
You're an amazing person!!!! Thank you for being part of my life.
On October 13th I got an email, just a hi, how are you doing email. I never would have guessed that from that simple email that I would have met the person who would become such a great addition to my life. I feel like I've known you so much longer than 2 months. I've opened up and told you things that only my closest friends know. You know things that happen in my life that even my family doesn't know. You listen to me when I need to complain (be it stupid cashiers, my husband, or just life in general).
Not a single day has gone by that we haven't communicated in some way. We've had play dates, lunch dates, breakfast dates, and dinner dates. Even when I moved away I felt close to you because we would watch the Rangers play "together". You even make trips to the grocery store exciting ;) You always know just what to say to make me smile and I appreciate that more than you know.
You have changed my life more than you know and I appreciate that. I'm grateful that you have come into my life. I'm honored to call you my friend.
You're an amazing person!!!! Thank you for being part of my life.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
11 years ago...
tomorrow (December 12th)
I woke up at 5:30 am with the world's worst "stomach ache". My mom woke up because I kept turning the bathroom light on.
"What's wrong?" she said "I feel like I need to use the bathroom, but I can't", "You're just in labor go back to sleep". HA like that happened.
I started timing contractions and they were 5 minutes apart lasting about a minute each. At 7 we woke Chuck up and told him I was in labor. He said "okay babe, wake me up when you're in labor" umm Chuck GET UP!!!! We're going to the hospital.
Mom, Chuck, and I made the drive from North Richland Hills to Grapevine to Baylor Hospital. I remember the water running in the bathroom and it wouldn't turn off (that's irrelevant, but it's a vivid memory). I remember getting up to Labor and Delivery and getting in bed. I remember having to drink some purple jello-y stuff to keep me from getting nauseated.
After that I was out, I can only remember bits and pieces. I remember my mom having to hold my hand up so I could sign for the epidural. I remember getting the epi and I remember telling the doctor "I feel like I'm being torn in half, she's tearing me" the doctor said "no no you're fine" Then I remember them handing kayla to Chuck? maybe my mom held her first... and I remember the doctor saying "okay, now we have to give you stitches because she tore you" NO KIDDING!!!! I told you she was you idiot.
I remember Mom, Chuck, Nana, Teresa, Alysa, Philip, Jennifer, Ashley, and Bubba being there. I remember asking Bubba to bring me McDonalds.
Kayla Ann Norris was born on December 12, 1999 at 1:07 pm (7 hours and 37 minutes after my first contraction) weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs 4 oz
I woke up at 5:30 am with the world's worst "stomach ache". My mom woke up because I kept turning the bathroom light on.
"What's wrong?" she said "I feel like I need to use the bathroom, but I can't", "You're just in labor go back to sleep". HA like that happened.
I started timing contractions and they were 5 minutes apart lasting about a minute each. At 7 we woke Chuck up and told him I was in labor. He said "okay babe, wake me up when you're in labor" umm Chuck GET UP!!!! We're going to the hospital.
Mom, Chuck, and I made the drive from North Richland Hills to Grapevine to Baylor Hospital. I remember the water running in the bathroom and it wouldn't turn off (that's irrelevant, but it's a vivid memory). I remember getting up to Labor and Delivery and getting in bed. I remember having to drink some purple jello-y stuff to keep me from getting nauseated.
After that I was out, I can only remember bits and pieces. I remember my mom having to hold my hand up so I could sign for the epidural. I remember getting the epi and I remember telling the doctor "I feel like I'm being torn in half, she's tearing me" the doctor said "no no you're fine" Then I remember them handing kayla to Chuck? maybe my mom held her first... and I remember the doctor saying "okay, now we have to give you stitches because she tore you" NO KIDDING!!!! I told you she was you idiot.
I remember Mom, Chuck, Nana, Teresa, Alysa, Philip, Jennifer, Ashley, and Bubba being there. I remember asking Bubba to bring me McDonalds.
Kayla Ann Norris was born on December 12, 1999 at 1:07 pm (7 hours and 37 minutes after my first contraction) weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs 4 oz
Happy Birthday Noses!!! Mama loves you!!!!

Random Complaints
- I hate when I want to make a quick trip to the drive thru somewhere, all I want is something to drink, and the person in front of me is ordering 2 of everything on the menu.
- I hate when random people try to tell my kids what to do... unless you pushed them out of your vag, planted them in my ute, are family, or one of my really close friends then please kindly STFU and don't tell my kids what to do. I'm the mother, I got this...
- Last night at work this lady comes to check out so I start ringing her up, then she goes oh wait I need... so I wait and then she starts looking at the whole store again. We end up canceling her transaction so we can ring other customers up. When she comes to check out again, she does the same thing. That is so annoying
- I need a sitter Saturday, and I can't find one. I may cry if I can't find one.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday Randoms
- I work today, 6:30-9:30
- I finally got new shirts to wear to work, they are super cute sweaters
- I'll have the step daughter all weekend
- I work Sunday, but I get to wear a t-shirt and tennis shoes because we're doing some changes to the store
- My hair smells's that for random???
- Making tamales this weekend
- "K" Christmas Party tonight, but I am missing it because my husband isn't here and because I have to work.
- They have us doing inventory on New Years many people are going to be counting hung over? Probably not me because I highly doubt I will have a sitter that night...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Days vs Nights
The days are fine, we get through them with no issues. We hang out at home, run errands, and if the tv is on it's on cartoons. We go out with friends, go to the library, walk around the mall. That's the easy part!
The hard part comes when the sun goes down, after the kids are in bed, and the chores are done for the day. When I sit here alone and all I want to do is cry. At this point I'm not even sure what I'm crying over anymore. All I know is it's so lonely, it hurts, probably more than it should. It shouldn't be this hard.
We text all day, it makes it easier, but once that time comes when the texts stop, that's when the tears start. I miss you! I love you! I want you here, but I know why you're not.
Okay okay, enough woe is me for one night. I just had to put that out there.
In other news...I scored a free haircut today!!! And Tuesday I will be getting it colored...again for free!!!! It looks fantastic, but no pictures on the blog until it's completely done.
Thursday Thankfuls
Today I am thankful for...
- My new job!!!
- My children of course, there is nothing better than slobbery kisses first thing in the morning followed by an "I luh loo mommy" and a big bear hug.
- My friends!!!! Thank you all for being there for me, listening to me bitch, letting me cry. You're all so incredible and I love each and every one of you.
- My blog readers, you all rock
- My mom and sister for offering to babysit the boys for me while I work and the occasional "personal day"
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday Thoughts
- Tomorrow is Wednesday!!!!
- Mason has been running a fever today. I think it finally broke during his last nap.
- I heard a pretty cool song today, hopefully I can figure out how to make it where I can post it for you all to hear.
- Pretty sure I'm losing weight again, but I don't have a scale to check. The new jeans my mom bought me when we were all in Abilene (ya know the ones I bought in the JUNIORS section) are too big to the point they are falling off of me now!!!!
- Living away from Bob isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I mean I miss him and all, but it's not as hard as I thought it would be.
- The apartment is finally clean!!!!
- Did I mention tomorrow is Wednesday???
- Ty seems to be over his stomach bug, I on the other hand am STILL having bouts of nausea now and then. Like this morning when I was drinking my Coke Zero Vanilla...WTF?
- I need to make a grocery list
- I'm going to make said list now...That's it for Tuesday thoughts this week!!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
My First Day!!
Today was great! I was nervous for no reason. It did go by pretty slow, but that's because we were so slow today. I bet we only had 5 or 6 customers. It was nice though because I feel I learned more since we were slow and Joy could take more time to answer questions.
I'm familiar with the store now since I spent most of the night doing "replen" (that would be stocking lol) and returns. I've also got the register down, the only thing I haven't done are gift cards and checks. Since I was closing I also got to assist with the deposit and had to do some cleaning.
Today also happens to be the first day of the new pay period so I started at the perfect time. We get paid every two weeks and I get a 40% discount on regular priced items!!!!
I also had a nice surprise waiting for me when I got home. My mom and Matt were watching the boys and they cooked dinner, did my dishes, and cleaned the apartment. YAY!!! Mason was sleeping when I got home and Patrick wasn't far behind. It's so nice to come home to a clean and QUIET apartment. Thanks!!!!
I also had some text messages that made me smile when I took my little break. I really appreciate that!!!! You made my night :)
And now it's time for bed!!!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Monday Madness
This week actually isn't so bad (or at least it's not supposed to be).
Of course Monday is day 1 at Gymboree. I know I've said it 382029 times, but I am so excited and nervous.
Tuesday will be spent cleaning this apartment. Patrick, Mason, and Ty have taken over and I still have some unpacking to do.
Wednesday...Yeah, Wednesday :)
Thursday is pretty exciting too!!! I'll be making a car payment WOOO!!!!!
Friday I'm closing and then picking up the stepdaughter
Saturday is grocery shopping day!!! I am looking forward to actually having food in the house for me. My kitchen is slowly being taken over by Gerber Puffs, spaghetti os, and hot dogs.
Sunday I'll be trying my hand at making tamales and then taking Lindsey back home.
Day 1 is Officially Behind Us
We managed to survive day one without daddy. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but we'll see how today goes.
We ended up going to Lewisville with a friend to look for some books at the library. They didn't have either of the books I wanted *lame* so we headed back to Arlington. We had plans to stop at Grapevine Mills Mall with another friend of mine, but Mason was NOT happy so we skipped that part of the day. We stopped and got the boys chicken nuggets and french fries and then came back to the house and watched tv and played with the boys and Ty.
Speaking of Ty, he is not feeling well. I have been outside with him every hour since midnight and I had to clean a huge mess out of his bed this morning. I hope it's nothing serious and maybe he just ate something he shouldn't have.
My phone decided it didn't want to work right last night. I wasn't getting texts unless I stood outside and made a phone call and then they would all come flooding in. When I actually would get a text there would be a 7 minute delay in when it said it was sent and when I actually got it. I swear I have the worst luck with phones. So far this morning it seems to be working fine. I am getting texts and mine are actually sending.
Mason is awake already, happy as a clam, just chilling and screaming away in the pack n play, playing with the flashlight. Patrick is still sleeping, and for once I think Ty is actually sleeping because he isn't whining.
Nothing on the agenda for today really, I need new batteries for the remote control and I am out of Coke Zero Vanilla (oh the horror!!!!!)
Tomorrow I start the new job at Gymboree!!! I am so excited, but nervous still. I'll be training this week and then next week I'll be good to go. Since my husband is gone I hope somebody is awake and willing to text after I get off work so I can talk about how the first day went.
I think I am going to try to get some more sleep now, please wake me when it's Wednesday!!! IMYLM...
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Day Has Come
Bob left about half an hour ago. I was doing okay with it...UNTIL Patrick started crying, at which point I totally lost it. Patrick and I laid in the bed for a bit and just held each other and cried.
We're going to get out of the house today. I need to go to the library and find a new shirt to wear to work on Monday. Also waiting to hear back from a friend about going walking in Grapevine. Tomorrow we'll probably just hang around the house all day. I can't wait until Cindy gets back from Florida so we can get together.
I am looking forward to Wednesday the most. I have plans and I hope the coming days go by fast. It's going to be a great day!!!!!!
Gotta admit that I am jealous of Bob though because it's like 80 degrees down there right now. I am not jealous of the fact he's going down there right before Christmas. Not only does he have to deal with the Winter Texans, but he gets to deal with all the extra holiday shoppers coming over from Mexico. NO THANKS!!! That place is a mad house this time of year.
Friday, December 3, 2010
I CAN do this!!!
After my emotional morning I've decided that I CAN do this. The boys and I will be fine. I'll work and spend my free time with my boys. We'll go on play dates and spend time with friends. We'll have lunch dates and shopping trips.
Our weekends when daddy is home will be extra special. I will video tape Mason when he starts walking so Bob can see. We'll talk to daddy on the phone, and we can always go visit him sometimes too. We'll go see Cindy and Phoebe in a couple of weeks and we'll to to Arkansas to see Lindsey and Curtis next month.
We'll take it one day at a time and before we know it it will be time for daddy to come home to visit. I have the spouses group and my friends so I can get a break from the boys sometimes. My mom and sister are able to babysit for me.
I would like to thank a special blog reader and amazing friend for believing in me, listening to me, and telling me that I am strong enough to do this. And also thank you for changing the subject at the perfect time and making me smile!!!! I appreciate you very much and I am so happy you have come into my life.
So Nervous
Today is the last day Bob will be home until Christmas break. He leaves tomorrow morning for the job back in Brownsville.
I am nervous, scared, unsure, you name the emotion and I am probably feeling it right now. Can I really take care of Patrick, Mason, and Ty (not to mention myself) all day every day by myself?
Did I make the right choice by us staying here while he goes down there? I mean I got the job I was really wanting, and I DO have friends here, but was it the right choice? Part of me says heck yeah it was the right choice, but I have a anxious feeling about it. Part of me says WTF are you doing Sara?!?
The nights are going to kill me! It's going to be so quiet and lonely in the house. I can manage the days, we do that anyway, even when he's working locally. He'll miss Mason's first steps, he may miss the first birthday too depending on when he has to go back to work after the holidays. Who am I going to talk about my first day of work to? What happens in February when Mom and Matt go back on the road and I don't have anyone to watch the boys while I work?
Will Patrick understand? Will Mason remember him when he comes home?
And then there's the big one... those that know what happened Friday on our way to Arlington...what if it happens down there, when I can't be there???? What if it's worse? He swears it scared him and he's not going to do it, but how can I be sure?
Will our marriage suffer? I've been around enough "K" employees to know that way to many of them get "a little fun on the side" if you know what I mean. I mean I trust Bob, but some of you know that there have been some "issues".
I'm really hoping Bob doesn't decide today is the day to read my blog and I'm also hoping my little stalkers don't get on here today. It's really not the day for me to have to mess with that.
Can I do this on my own? Can I handle being alone every night (except for the couple nights he comes home when he can coordinate time off from both projects)? Was it the right decision?
I know nobody can answer these questions but me, but I had to get this out. Now, if only Lindsey would wake up so I could talk to her. Ugh my trip to Arkansas can't come soon enough. Luckily Cindy will be back from Florida in a few days so I'll be making a trip to Lewisville to talk to her in person too.
Thanks for "listening" to me!!!!
and just because I know you're reading this... IMYLM ILYLC
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for...
- Gymboree! I can't wait to start my new job. I'm so excited!
- My blog readers! I've been getting more PR pitches from companies and I owe it my readers who keep my stats up so I can try out new products for you! I have a few reviews I need to write and I'll be getting right on those. Also thank you to my blog readers for continuing to vote for us on Picket Fence Blogs. I appreciate it!!!!
- My children! I'm always thankful for my children. They make me who I am.
- My husband being home for a few days! As much as I love them it's nice to get a break from the kids. I have plans for lunch tomorrow and I appreciate the fact that Bob can keep the kids so I can have some SARA time!
- The person I now call my best friend! Even when you're wore out and tired beyond belief you find time to talk to me. Even when you're at work you take time out of your day to help me. Following your directions was a heck of a lot easier than trying to figure it out on my own. Even when I'm sad, you say something and instantly my smile is back. I'm beyond lucky to have you in my life! ILYLC!!!!!!!
- My mom and Matt, for watching the boys so I can get a job! You guys rock and I appreciate you so much.
- My phone lol even though it was quite annoying today, ha. It's hard to keep conversations straight when you're texting 4 different people lol
somewhat wordless wednesday...

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